One of our goals is to get @
Electronic Frontier Foundation and others to endorse these laws so we can control social media and eliminate free speech. We tell everyone that the laws are for privacy, but that is not our real goal.
We purposefully defined social media so broadly that the laws apply to anyone with a blog or online forum, even individuals. And we made sure that the laws are confusing and complicated enough so that only giant corporations with a legal team can comply.
Our real agenda is to consolidate all social media into the hands of large corporations, that way we can just track you internally without "sharing" your data. Also, it makes it easier to eliminate our political opponents. That way we can shut down the pesky fediverse and smaller competitors, so we can further entrench big social media.
For example, if someone has a blog with comments turned on or has an online forum (either of those make them a "social media company") and has a political opinion we don't like or who points out our corruption or wrongdoing, we look at their site to see if they have no privacy policy or some other technical violation. We then use these privacy laws to get them shut down, even if they are not violating your privacy. Make the laws overbroad and technical enough, and we can regulate free speech indirectly.
After all, the best way to get Orwellian laws in place is by telling people they are for a good cause.